Terms of acceptance and payment
SIA LOMMETALLA metal scrap procurement prices information phone +371 288 312 31
Payment of scrap for legal entities
When accepting scrap metal from legal entities, an invoice-waybill is drawn up, according to which a transfer is made to the client's bank account. When concluding a contract for long-term cooperation, we offer more favorable terms and prices. And other benefits.
Payment of scrap for individuals
Acceptance of scrap metal from a private person is possible only upon presentation of an identity document - passport, driver's license or ID card. There are no restrictions on the minimum amount of scrap metal to be transferred.
The price of scrap metal is determined according to the purchase prices valid at the time when the scrap metal is delivered. The administration has the right to adjust the price at the time of handing over the scrap metal. Documentation on the acceptance of scrap metal is drawn up in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Latvia.
Payment for the delivered scrap metal is made by transfer to the indicated bank account (within two working days).
When making payments to an individual by bank transfer, personal income tax of 10% of the amount is deducted - more information - available here>>>.
Acceptance of black scrap metal
Black metal scrap - unusable products or their components containing ferrous metals and their alloys, as well as metal products with irreparable defects and processing residues of ferrous metals and their alloys.
non-metallic objects (earth, sand, rubber, concrete, bricks, wood, ceramics, glass, etc.);
Components of ammunition;
Closed containers without holes;
Closed tanks under pressure, aggregates with oil and other substances;
Scrap with concrete and cement covering;
Containers with a composition that includes glue, oil, paint and others.
Black metal scrap must meet the relevant requirements and technical regulations for black metal scrap in terms of composition, purity level, dimensions and mass.
Slēgtas tvertnes bez caurumiem;
Slēgtas tvertnes zem spiediena, agregātus ar eļļu un citām vielām;
Lūžņus ar betona un cementa segumu;
Tvertnes ar sastāvu, kurā ietilpst līme, eļļa, krāsa un citi.
Melnajiem metāllūžņiem jāatbilst attiecīgajām melno metāllūžņu prasībām un tehniskajiem noteikumiem pēc sastāva, tīrības līmeņa, gabarītiem un masas.
Acceptance requirements for non-ferrous metal scrap
Non-ferrous metal scrap must not contain:
Non-metallic objects (earth, sand, rubber, concrete, bricks, wood, ceramics, glass, etc.);
Closed tanks under pressure.
The scrap metal to be transferred must be suitable for safe transportation, processing and remelting, it must not contain any flammable, explosive or radioactive substances. The scrap metal that is transferred from the chemical mill must be cleaned of chemicals. Closed containers must be opened, cut and cleaned of other substances.
The percentage of contamination of non-ferrous metal scrap is determined by the receiver, visually, at the time of receipt and agreed with the supplier.
tie nedrīkst saturēt jebkādas ugunsbīstamas, eksplozīvas vai radioaktīvas vielas. Metāllūžņiem, kuri tiek nodoti no ķīmijas rupnīcam, jābūt attīrītiem no ķīmiskām vielām. Aizvērtam tvertnēm jābūt atvērtām, sagrieztām un attīrītām no citām vielām.
Krāsaino metāllūžņu piesārņojuma procentu nosaka saņemējs, vizuāli, saņemšanas brīdī un vienojas ar piegādātāju.
Acceptance requirements for non-ferrous metal scrap
Catalyst housing requirements:
ceramics can be in one piece (preferred) or in the form of a loose mass (we reserve the right to perform an analysis);
the metal carrier must be whole (in one piece) or placed in a tank, because it loses up to 50% of valuable deposits when open;
ceramics must not contain other materials (asbestos, metal mesh, metal shavings, quartz sand, soot, cement, etc.). Otherwise, the ceramic mass is purchased only after the analyses.
ceramics should be naturally moist (1-2%). The ceramic case must be stored in a dry, well-ventilated place, otherwise we reserve the right to perform ceramic analysis.
3. keramika nedrīkst saturēt citus materiālus (azbestu, metāla sietu, metāla skaidas, kvarca smiltis, sodrējus, cementu u.tml.). Pretējā gadījumā keramiskā masa tiek pirkta tikai pēc analīžu veikšanas.
4. keramikai jābūt dabiski mitrai (1-2%). Keramisko korpusu jāglabā sausā, labi vēdināmā vietā, pretējā gadījumā paturam tiešais veikt keramikas analīzi.
NO LV4020301004
+371 288 312 31
Starta iela 8, Riga, LV-1084
Working time:
Monday - Friday from 8.00 to 17.00
SIA Lommetalla - we offer a full range of services related to scrap and non-ferrous scrap collection, loading, dismantling of metal structures, sorting and transportation of scrap metal.
Scrap metal is purchased at the same prices, determined by agreement with partners in the territory of Riga and the Riga region.